Thermal Intrusion Detection

See the unseen

Thermal detection with A.I. technology finds objects the eye struggles to see

Imagine the difficulty a standard camera has in detecting a person, darkly dressed, between or through bushes and branches. It's a challenge for an ARC monitoring agent to differentiate between dark objects, especially as they will be monitoring a range of cameras on your site.

Even using the A.I. software that MPS bundle with the very best cameras, it's not always possible. Thermal cameras use Intrusion Analytical Detection algorithms to see what no-one else can!

Thermal Camera utilising Intrusion Analytical Detection

Thermal vs Optical

Daytime Optical Camera View

You can barely see the person in the bushes. Just imagine at night-time! In the dark, you wouldn’t be able to see them at all.

Normal Camera with PIR Detection would false alarm due to the shrubbery and it would have to be isolated, leaving the area unprotected.

Same location at night, seen using a thermal camera.

You can clearly see the trespasser, even in the darkness.

Now, the shrubbery will not cause false alarms.

HD Camera: Daytime Building & Car park

You can’t even see anybody in the distance in the day never mind at night. Spotting people at a considerable distance is impossible.

Also, a standard HD camera will only cover up to 30/40M.

Thermal Camera

Now we have a thermal camera capable of detecting persons at a much greater distance (100M plus).


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